Renewing My Vows – to my website
My web site is feeling neglected. And rightly so. I have been ignoring it in favour of designing and making, and doing shows. I have promised my web site that things will be different. That we will have a deeper relationship. That I will pay attention to it. And that it starts now! I also feel like I’ve been unfaithful to my web site because I’ve set up an Instagram account and a Facebook account – both are bluedawnjewellery. To be fair to me though, setting up the Facebook account was a bit of an accident but nevertheless…I’m renewing my commitment to my web site as of right now. May we live happily ever after!
And Death Will Never Part Us: Hearts & Skulls Collection
I’ve had a busy holiday season doing shows every week in November. I’m not doing any more shows this year and my next one will likely be a conference in late February 2020. 2020? I’ll be working on some custom pieces over the next couple of months, designing some new stuff, continuing with my ‘And Death Will Never Part Us Skulls & Hearts’ collection. You can bet that collection sparks a lot of conversation at shows. Our traditional cultural belief is that the people we love who die never really leave us. They are there by our side and I recall an Anishinaabe Healer telling us that we can speak to them in the same way we’d speak to them if they were still in this world instead of the spirit world. Love crosses worlds and spiritual boundaries. Death does not part us from our loved ones.
The skulls and hearts necklace below has a skull in Crazy Lace Agate and three strands of luscious gemstones. Orange Garnet, Labradorite and Citrine. The cut of the Citrine looks like flower petals and buried among the petals is a heart in a grey and light yellow jasper. The skull is wrapped with sterling silver wire.

The necklace below has an Obsidian skull and it’s paired with a sparkly heart and they are on a black wood chain. This one came together very quickly! Sometimes the stones know exactly what or who they want to be paired with.

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