A Satisfied Customer

This is Juli wearing the resin necklace with the large Citrine pendant. Juli shopped at my booth at the Canadian Aboriginal Minerals Association Conference a couple of weeks ago and this necklace absolutely suits her. It looks so unexpected with a grey business suit and that’s what makes it work. This necklace – as is the case with all the pieces I design – works equally well with casual wear and will look fantastic with jeans and a white T-shirt.

Other News

And here is my Chief – the Chief of Whitefish River First Nation (also known as BI) – in the two photos below. By way of explanation – a group of 20 men from BI got busy growing facial hair during Movember to raise money for prostate cancer research. My two brothers Ed and Alex were two of the 20 and I’m very proud of them. Chief Shining Turtle made a promise that if the men raised $10,000, he would have his head shaved. This proved to be a powerful incentive and the men surpassed the goal. In fact, they raised over $11,000! Way to go, guys! So Chief Shining Turtle became, as his little guy Ira dubbed him, Chief Shining Head. Way to go, Chief!



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