Unique. Original. Aboriginal.

My New Banner

Unique. Original. Aboriginal. That’s the tag line on the Blue Dawn Jewellery banner that I unveiled at the week-long show I did in Gatineau in December. Unique and original are words I hear a lot when people see my designs. I think those two words along with Aboriginal describe my work succinctly and very well. So I put them on my banner. My good friend, the beautiful Naomi Smith designed the banner. Didn’t she do an amazing job?

That tall handsome guy is my nephew Clark whose fabulous hospitality I enjoyed for a whole week. What a great cook he is! And I have never met anyone so organized. I wish he’d spend a week with me helping me get my gems and beads and supplies organized!


The pre-Christmas season was so busy with shows and custom work. Husbands and boyfriends or sisters looking for that special piece of jewellery to wrap and put under the tree for their special someone. Then just when I thought I could relax, I got that cold/infection that seemed to last forever – at least four weeks – but when you’re so fatigued and coughing and sniffling, it seems like forever. But enough of that…on to my favourite topic which is surprise, surprise – Jewellery.

The week-long show I did in Gatineau way back in December was a lot of fun. I love introducing my designs to new cities, new people and seeing their reactions.  I saw a lot of friends from some of my previous lives (i.e. jobs), some I hadn’t seen for a very long time. Brian Bedwell was the President of the Board of Directors when I was the Executive Director at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto and he’s been working for Indian Affairs (can never remember their new name) in Ottawa for at least 25 years years. We got pretty nostalgic reminiscing about old times. Sandy Wabegijig was also on the Board of NCCT and also now working for Indian Affairs. Gary LaFontaine who I met when he was the Executive Director at the Odawa Friendship Centre in Ottawa – that’s when I was working for the provincial government – also stopped by to say hi. He’s got a catering business and if you’re ever at a Pow Wow, please try his famous buffalo burgers and lemonade. What a wonderful combination! Especially on a hot summer day. I also made some interesting new friends – customers, lookers and other artists and I can’t wait to see them again when I go back for the next show.

Here’s a picture of the Blue Dawn Jewellery boutique that I set up at the INAC building in Gatineau. The Aboriginal artists and artisans show was December 3-7, 2012.

As you can see, I had lots of good stuff for sale. If there’s anything there that catches your eye, email me and I’ll see if it’s still available. I can also send you a close-up photo. My designs are all one-of-a-kind so if it’s sold, it’s gone. I like to wear things that are unique and I think most women are of the same mind.

There were lots of women who received a gift of Blue Dawn-designed jewellery on Christmas Day.

Then there were lots of women who bought Blue Dawn jewellery for themselves. This is Martha who fell in love with the necklace she’s wearing – facetted Tiger’s Eye in all three shades, vintage brass chain and amber. It was a perfect piece for her.

Tamantha, in the photo below, is a colleague of my nephew Clark. She wanted a small and elegant piece and after looking at everything I had, selected a necklace with wire-worked Emerald drops on Sterling Silver chain. I thought this delicate piece suited her perfectly. And I thought her braces were kind of cute!

More photos from the Gatineau show in my next post along with more of my designs.

If you see something in the gallery that you like, or if you’d like a custom piece for yourself or a special someone, all you have to do is email me.


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